Camino Memories

Please enjoy some of the testimonies, pictures and videos along the Camino.  


“The Camino de Santiago pilgrimage isa faith-centered journey like no other. Itis truly a walk with Christ filled withexperiences that test your endurance notonly physically but also spiritually. It is abeautiful trip that allows you to grow inyour Catholic faith and as a person inways you wouldn’t have imagined prior.”

– Alex Worthing, Student Parishioner andChurch Mouse

In the experience, I learned to accept thestruggles and rely on the strength thatGod has given me. Through that, Ilearned even more the beauty of ourfaith and saw the love that was shownthrough this experience. It was incredibleto reach our destination, but Godopened up a lot that I will continue tounpack, continuing the Camino longbeyond Santiago de Compostela”

– Liz Norman, Student Parishioner andFaith Formation Intern

“The Camino de Santiago is challenging,but the challenges are precisely whatmake it fruitful. The challenges providecountless opportunities to draw near toGod, trusting that He will provide. Whenyou grow weary or sore, every step youtake becomes a beautiful opportunity tosimply pray, ‘Jesus, I offer up mysuffering for ______.'”

– Colin Hayes, Former StudentParishioner and Religious EducationIntern

Pride/humility – We were fellow travelers in a foreign land. Pride gave way to humility on the Camino. We became fellow companions on our journey towards Christ.

Perseverance – The Camino subjected each of us to unique hardships and setbacks. Each day we had to decide to overcome these adversities and continue the journey.

Piety (Prayer) – Praying and singing with each other galvanized our friendships. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit at these times.
Having my son, Shane, on the pilgrimage made it a very special experience for me.

Larry Dresch

“To pray, to suffer, to laugh and share the experience with other young and old men made me realize how blessed I am to be part of this group and to always be thankful for our Catholic faith and the overpowering of God’s love and gift he gives us” Ryan Hillman, St. Lawrence Parish. 

“Walking became secondary to the beauty, calmness, food, and water we daily encountered along the way. I slowly understood, under the cover of love from my Redeemer, that Penance is not always a difficult Walk!”, 
~ Fran Lind, St Joseph, Lebanon, IN

“What a glorious site to enter the city at 7 am to go to Mass on St James Feast Day”,
~Desiree Stout, Charolette, SC

“Members of our group would lead in saying the rosary aloud as we walked some parts of each day. We stopped and prayed at several old churches in the small villages that we walked through. Walking through beautiful ancient rural landscapes gives one time to think about the important things in life.”
~ Kurt Wilson, Lafayette, IN